A Community of Loving, Big-Hearted Gals
AI is at the very start of changing the world. For the first time, robots can understand human language and can use this to harness powerful compute resources and engineering abilities. Programs will be written by robots, and AI will soon be a tool that will change human intelligence forever.
Also, with such advancements in computer science, it can also fall into the hands of great evil. AI content can manipulate our minds and way of thinking in social media apps. The use of AI-optimized doom scrolling feeds can brainwash us. It’s not the danger of having a robot think, it’s the danger of when humans are no longer thinking for themselves that we need to be concerned about.
Secret Society Meetings To Protect You From Perils, Evils and Manipulation of AI
In the face of such dangers of AI, Gyaru👱🏽♀️🌺✌🏽☮️ is a community of gyarus that will protect the human race from the manipulation and dangers of AI. We will meet regularly in secret locations, and the positivity and optimistic hearts of the gyarus will protect the human race from the dangers and manipulation of AI.
Gals love macho men, Gyaru👱🏽♀️🌺✌🏽☮️ supports all our macho token holders
Gal girls love macho men, and for that reason, we love all our token holders very much. The utility of the coin is to get access to secret meetups to discuss the future of AI, and a secret collective of people who will see and discuss the dangers of AI and will support each other through the darkness.